The Health Center at Hudson Yards Warms Neighbors in Need
A charitable initiative “encourages patients to care for the community by caring for themselves.”
Meaningful connections are made all the time at Hudson Yards. Case in point: an impactful relationship between The Health Center, a membership-based multi-specialty practice in 55 Hudson Yards, and Hudson Guild, a non-profit that serves people in need who live and work on the West Side. For every member visit in December, the Health Center is donating winter coats or contributing to a local hot-meal program. Employees at The Health Center also built gingerbread homes with seniors at Hudson Guild. “It was super fun,” said Lisa Santos, Marketing Manager at The Health Center. “Most of the people—including our team members—hadn’t built one before.” This holiday-season giving is the first effort in what will be an ongoing partnership. In January, The Health Center crew will spend time with the children in Hudson Guild’s daycare program.